I wanted to introduce everyone to two of Emily's favorite friends.
"Mr. Binky"
Mr. Binky has magical powers and can make Emily go from this:

To this in under 3 seconds:

Angel saw how happy and content Mr. Binky made Emily and she just had to have one of her very own. She is so stinkin' cute walking around like this.

"Mini Bop"
I didn't even know they had smaller boppies. This was given to her at her Welcome Home Party (thanks Jennifer). She loves this and it is the perfect size for her.

Notice the quilt above that she is laying on... It was a quilt given to her by Phoenix Children's Hospital. It was placed it over her incubator the day after she was born. Each baby in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit gets a different unique quilt when they arrive.

Notice the blanket she is laying on here. Anyone who knows me, knows all too well how much I LOVE this blanket. My Mom made it for me when I was really little. It is always been my favorite blanket and it is still my go to blanket for any occasion. Emily has also fallen in love with this blanket. I am determined to make her a blanket of her own (plus then I can reclaim mine). I really need to learn to sew.
Ms Ems certainly has a mind of her own and knows how to use it....Love the pic of Angel...am speachless with what to say...but laughing my head off. Crazy dog. The Boppie is so cute, I didn't know they made them so small. What a great babysitter...haha...We used those bouncy seats...but she seems to love the boppy. Keep up the great work. She is growing up so fast. Soon she will be rolling over and holding her head up and then it is on to crawling. She is our little Angel. Be sure to give her big smooches from us. Love to all b and Steve